“Center for Vein Restoration has had the fortune of working with Ultrasafe Ultrasounds to enhance our ultrasound program with creating the proper ergonomic environment for sonographers being one of the key components to workplace satisfaction and retention, Ultrasafe Ultrasounds expertise was the perfect supplement to our in house experts to enhance ergonomic workspaces and protocols. Joanna and her team are tremendous in so many ways They are very responsive and build rapport very easily with all levels of our organization and also assist our team in both short-term and long-term staffing openings as well. The staffing candidates embody many of the same wonderful attributes of their leader, which includes compassion, hard-working, positive attitude and willing to do whatever it takes for our patients and clinical team. Center for Vein Restoration has prided itself in delivering unmatched customer service and patient care, it's wonderful that we have found a partner with same philosophy. As a result, both our sonographers and patients have benefited greatly from this partnership. Thank you, Joanna, for your energy, your expertise and support now and into the future!”